2Morrow Solutions
Why Use MTM? (3)
How many staff will you need to meet with the projected growth in demand?
By understanding the time taken for processes, capacity requirements can be calculated based on customer demand (TAKT time) and the available hours to meet the order volume. MTM can be used to calculate capacity requirements for existing processes or can be used to accurately calculate capacity requirements for future processes that don’t yet exist.
How productive are your staff?
In conjunction with Visual Performance Measurement (VPM) principles of Lean Best Practice, MTM can be used to objectively measure process cycle times, which are in turn used in productivity Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in VPM. Incorporating appropriate personal and fatigue allowances, the standard times, based on MTM, can be used as effective benchmarks for productivity in the office and factory.
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0418 199 063
Make your success in productivity improvement measurable with MTM.
Make Success Measurable