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Why Use MTM? pg2
Why Use MTM?

2Morrow Solutions

Why Use MTM? (2)

Can you implement One-Piece Flow for your manual processes?

Analysing your manual processes with MTM will provide the data required to balance your line or cell, ensuring the process elements that constitute the complete process can be distributed as evenly as practical amongst the operators, based on volume and TAKT time requirements.

How will your product design changes affect your assembly processes?

MTM can be used in your Design for Assembly (DFA) Analysis to determine the relative ease of assembly of the revised product designs by analysing the motions required in assembly.  Improvements in fastening and symmetry, along with reductions in the number of parts to assemble can be accurately determined by calculating the assembly time.  MTM can also be used to determine the effectiveness of proposed packaging changes by analysing the time taken to pack your product.  Fabrication and machining processes can also be analysed with the MTM technique.


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